Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Searching in two dimensions

Given 2D array with integers sorted both horizontally and vertically. Devise an efficient algorithm to search for key in the 2D array. What is the complexity ?

Eg.  1 4 7 13

       2 5 9 15
       3 6 10 16

Solution :

Two solutions exists :
(Assume the row is sorted from left to right and column from top to bottom so that the least number is at top-left)

First one is :
  1. Start from left-bottom
  2. While within boundary
    1. If key found print and exit
    2. If key is smaller move up else move right
Second one :
  1. Let M < N (otherwise interchange the usage below)
  2. for each M 1D arrays do binary search in O(log N)
Complexity :

First :

  • Time : O(M + N)
  • Space : O(1)
Second :
  • Time : O(M log N)     M < N
  • Space : O(1)
The advantage of second method is seen when M << N where second method degenerates to binary search whereas first method degenerates to sequential search.

Code :

 * M rows
 * N columns
 * (row, col) position of searched key if successful

First method :

bool search_2D(int *input, int M, int N, int key, int *row, int *col){

*row = M-1;
*col = 0;
while(*row > 0 && *col < N){

int current = *(input + N*(*row) + (*col));
if(key == current)

return true;
else if(key < current)


return false;

Second method :

bool search_2D(int *input, int M, int N, int key, int *row, int *col){

int increment = 1, total_rows = M, total_cols = N;
if(M > N){

increment = N;
total_rows = N;
total_cols = M;

for(*row =0; *row < total_rows; i++){

*col = 0;
if(search_1D(input + *row, total_cols, key, col, increment)){

return true;

return false;

bool search_1D(int *input, int N, int key, int *index, int increment){

int low = 0, high = N-1;

while(low <= high){

*index = (low + high)/2;
int value = *(input + (*index)*(increment));

if(value == key)

return true;
else if (value < key)
low = *index + 1;
high = *index - 1;

return false;

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